Capture the World is a one-of-a-kind guide to incredible travel photography. This visually enchanting book is a catalyst for taking your travel photography to the next level. Capture the World takes us on a global journey through places and cultures and transcends our photography from attempted postcard-like, flat landscapes to capturing evocative travel experiences.
This unique book not only covers the practical skills and methods for brilliant travel imagery but it also covers the often overlooked elements of the mind-set and openness needed to discover profound experiences and capture them through powerful digital storytelling.
Besides the incredible depth of knowledge, this book is visually enticing with over 130 incredible images and examples from Chennai to California and Bangkok to Boracay.

Capture the World: Travel Photography eBook

Topics Covered:
- Digital storytelling
- Photo essays and stylistic themes
- Capturing experiences of people
- Capturing the essence of culture
- Composition
- The Golden Spiral & Rule of Thirds
- How and when to break the rules
- Leading the eye
- Exposure uncovered
- Understanding light and it’s relationship to camera controls
- Shutter speed & blurring motion
- Aperture and depth-of-filed effects
- ISO & avoiding noise
- Lighting
- Golden hour, final fifteen, flash and silhouettes
- Capturing for social media
- Shooting for Instagram format
- Avoiding cliches
- Power content for social media
- Editing
- Digital workflow
- Creating mood
- Keeping photos authentic