Florence is an incredible city. When you first arrive, the famous architecture and landmarks such as the Ponte Vecchio and the Duomo cathederal leave you standing in awe. However, once you’re there for a few days, these incredible landmarks become familiar as your soul becomes one with the city and it feels like an incredible, welcoming home.
Your feet feel light as you glide around the city’s piazzas and alleyways. You smile as you follow the cobble-stoned roads along the banks of the Arno River. The Arno shimmers like bright gold, reflecting the last moments of the Tuscan sunset, silhouetting the ancient Ponte Vecchio bridge and dousing the city in a warm orange glow.
After sunset, the piazzas bustle as the blur of smartly dressed waiters take orders for fresh Tuscan dishes as ancient statues of Greek Gods and Roman soldiers overlook plates of pasta and wine and the giant bell tower stretches toward the starry sky.
Florence is an easy city to fall in love with!
Beautiful, so much history in one place.