Capture the World: Travel Photography eBook

(5 customer reviews)

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Capture the world is the ultimate travel photography ebook and a one-of-a-kind guide to incredible travel photography. This visually enchanting book is a catalyst for taking your travel photography to the next level. Capture the World takes us on a global journey through places and cultures and transcends our photography from attempted postcard-like, flat landscapes to evocative travel scenes.


Capture the World: The Ultimate Guide to Evocative Travel Photography and Inspired Digital Storytelling 

Capture the world is the ultimate travel photography ebook and a one-of-a-kind guide to incredible travel photography. This visually enchanting book is a catalyst for taking your travel photography to the next level. Capture the World takes us on a global journey through places and cultures and transcends our photography from attempted postcard-like, flat landscapes to capturing evocative travel scenes.

Capture the World is not just a travel photography book. It’s also a book about cultures and a story about how experiencing foreign lands and its people can open your mind and heart, allowing you to see the world objectively again.

It’s a book about human psychology that covers the intricacies of what humans find beautiful and how these patterns are reflected in nature. Once we understand beauty in terms of universal patterns, we can talk about composition in terms of sacred geometry and move beyond simply ‘framing a scene’. It’s also a book that speaks to our yearning for an emotional, vulnerable and authentic connection with people and cultures as we navigate through this plastic, glossy materialistic world infested by advertising. In the context of modern-day digital media, Capture the World speaks of creating engagement through authenticity in photography and digital storytelling.

… the most important sections of Capture the World aren’t actually the tactical details about how to master light, exposure and shutter speed. The crucial story here is about how to generate the right mindset to uncover hidden moments and capture beautiful experiences hidden in the mundane…

Besides the incredible depth of knowledge, this travel photography eBook is visually enticing with over 130 incredible images and examples from Chennai to California and Bangkok to Boracay.

Topics Covered:

  • Digital storytelling
    • Photo essays and stylistic themes
    • Capturing experiences of people
    • Capturing the essence of culture
  • Composition
    • The Golden Spiral & Rule of Thirds
    • How and when to break the rules
    • Leading the eye
  • Exposure uncovered
    • Understanding light and it’s relationship to camera controls
    • Shutter speed & blurring motion
    • Aperture and depth-of-filed effects
    • ISO & avoiding noise
  • Lighting
    • Golden hour, final fifteen, flash and silhouettes
  • Capturing for social media
    • Shooting for Instagram format
    • Avoiding cliches
    • Power content for social media
  • Editing
    • Digital workflow
    • Creating mood
    • Keeping photos authentic

The author, Ben Farrell, has over 25 years of photography experience and has circumnavigated the globe capturing incredible places, cultures and experiences. In this book, he shares his unique insights with profound yet tactical tips for incredible photography.

5 Replies to “Capture the World: Travel Photography eBook”

  1. Loved this! I expected this book to have all the specific info about camera settings etcÉ but what I really loved about this book was that it’s really inspiring. Makes me wanna grab my camera and head out straight away.

  2. Awesome tips and a great read. Really liked the info about using sacred geometry (golden spiral etc) when composing a photo

  3. Wonderful book. Loved the section on capturing cultures so true that people in different coutries even pose for a photo differently! 😀

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