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Everything unfolds on the chaotic streets of Mumbai. From getting a fresh shave to buying spices and meat. Vendors surge along the nondescript street-side touting their services and wares amongst the swarm of auto-rickshaws, traffic, people and cows.
Like spilt drops of bright-green paint, beanbags line ancient laneways in Ostuni, Southern Italy. This ‘beanbag bar’ allows you to sit, relax, sip and nibble as you overlook the deep-blue Adriatic Sea off Italy’s heel.
The Grand Canyon is beyond visual comprehension. Ancient stories lie deeply-carved in belts of rock that cascade down from the flat rocky surface to the narrow Colorado River. There are not many fences or even structures along the rim. Like this man… you can just stand on the edge and stare in the abyss.
In Manila, Philippines, kids and teens turn any open space into basketball courts. The familiar dull bounce of basketballs blends with rattling Jeepneys, honking horns, laughter and people.
A couple wanders ancient temple ruins, pausing to touch the ornate stone columns of a sacred site in Kanchipuram, India.