Travel Photo of the Day: Mobile Street Karaoke
A young couple partake in mobile street karaoke. They perform on a small stage with neon lights, speakers and karaoke screens bolted to the front of a motorbike in ‘Pub Street’, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
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A young couple partake in mobile street karaoke. They perform on a small stage with neon lights, speakers and karaoke screens bolted to the front of a motorbike in ‘Pub Street’, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Travel changes us. It expands our minds, refreshes our souls and gives us a new perspective on life. However, it can also cause us to exhibit some weird behaviours. Here is an example of 8 strange things that happen when you travel a lot. You Read More …
Something has changed. There is an inner stillness, a quiet that I haven’t felt before. At times, I feel as though someone has flicked on the ‘High Definition’ switch of my vision as everything seems so crisp, so alive and so new. I often find Read More …
The ancient Grand Palace of the Kingdom of Thailand is exuberant and ornate as it twinkles in the Siam sun. It’s high walls keep out the noise of Bangkok allowing you to quiet the mind. This photo was taken two days ago when visiting the Read More …
I’m sitting on my wooden balcony that overhangs the frangipani garden. The leaves whisper with movement as the ocean breeze swirls up from the beach. My washing hangs on the thick wooden railing, draped in a dali-esque fashion dripping in rhythm with scorching Thailand sun. Read More …